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In ITEA International, everybody knows that our main capital is the expertise of our man power. We are also aware that only cooperative people can do great things. For these reasons ITEA International takes care of all workers at any level, providing benefits, proper salary and a friendly environment to work in. ITEA International places a high emphasis on employee welfare. ITEA International believes that every employee must have a chance to grow, and to show his capabilities and to reach his full potential within the Company hierarchy. ITEA International’s key personnel have been together since the early days of the company and have developed from good beginnings, into a strong diverse team who’s skills compliment eachother, thus ensuring the consistent delivery of high quality of service. ITEA International places high importance on the development of local resources and optimizing the talent available within the Kingdom, as such our Saudi employee’s engage on intensive training programs to ensure a strong local knowledge base of the emerging technologies. We believe this investment enhances ITEA International’s future prospects and contributes to the knowledge transfer to the Kingdom’s young talent.
  • ITEA International,
    5th floor, Office No. 564, 40 trading center, Prince Muteb Street, Al Safa Area, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • فاكس: +966 1 4655305
  • البريد الإلكتروني: iteageneral@iteaint.com

كيف يمكن أن نساعد

إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أو معرفة كيف يمكننا المساعدة ، يرجى الاتصال بنا دون تردد.

اتصل بنا
البريد الإلكتروني: iteageneral@iteaint.com
الجوال: +966 1 4644275
الفاكس: +966 1 4655305
مكتبنا الرئيسي
ITEA International,
21st Floor, Tamkeen Tower, Olaya Street, Al Yasmeen Area, P.O.Box 10881 Riyadh 11443, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

 TEP-6 في عام 1996 تم مشروع في المملكة العربية السعودية

  ، من أجل المشاركة في تعزيز أرينا الاتصالات السعودية، تم تشكيل مشروع مشترك، وكان المشروع المشترك ناجحا جدا وتم تركيب وتشغيل أكثر من 2600 كم من  شبكة الألياف لمسافات طو...

من نحن ...

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